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This is disclosure. The uaps are piloted by thought. Not drones!

  Some of the uaps in our skies are not drones.  My source which is FarSight tells me that they are ets.  We should start seeing them all over the world.  And there will be larger ones.  This is the start of disclosure. The ets do not use a stearing wheel.  They are hooked up psychically.

What do the ets want?

  There are millions of et species, some quite strange.  There are at least 50 visiting earth right now.  Some are after various resources both animal and mineral.  Some think of us as their pets.  Some like to eat us.  Others feed off of our fear.   There are species that are simply curious.  Some seem to like bovine stuff.  Not sure what they're used for but consider all the cattle mutilations.  There is a large program to use our isbes as slaves.  A lot of the victims are children.  They also use clones to house some isbss. There are hundreds of thousands of people that go missing each year.  Many souls end up on other planets.  There is a lot of genetic experimentation on humans and other life forms.   How do think all different races on earth got here.  They created us.  Of course there is a little fractal of god in each entity so you could by this reasoning say that g...

You may be married to an alien.

After reading They walk among us. by Dr. David Jacobs and listening to an Art Bell show on youtube that had  an interview with the author (actually there are two seperate shows with him interviewing the man), I'm convinced they are here.   I am talking about millions of hybrids that look completely human.  This is a result of 70 years of abductions.   These brids are capable of mind control.  They can even control crowds. This explains drump.   There is simply no way that any rational person would back or follow that person without being influenced (mind control).   These brids are not doing this voluntarily, they are being controlled by ets.  This is being done as a distraction to keep humans divided and fighting each other both politically and in the physical wars that are occurring.  Its done to prevent or delay disclosure.  They are using us (our isbes) for slaves.  It's their soulbank.  It's been h...

It's a complex situation in the disclosure world.

    There are multiple groups of ets working on earth.  Some are benevolent and are trying to help us.  The group that controls the planet is reptilian with other races under their control and is not benevolent.   They are very good at mind control and deceit. Various factions of the military and governments have signed contracts with different groups of ets.  The agreements are to trade et technology for earth resources. These resources include children and  has resulted in the trading of humans for various purposes. These purposes include conscription for fighting, sex and general labor. Using advanced techniques.  They actually borrow is-bes or pieces thereof.   An is-be is a person's soul or spirit.   Clones are sometimes involved.  The manipulation of time is also part of the program.  The details of how this us accomplished still eludes me.  But this traggicking is the main rea...

You should know this.

The blue angels are at the lower left.  The uaps are the white dots and they are zipping all around almost playfully.   You can easily take videos like this your self.   The Farsight Institute focuses on remote viewing.  They been looking into the true history of the universe.  They also investigate current and future events.  They have been censored and shadow banned but if you search for "farsight institute" you should be able to find them.   Look at courtneybrownfarsight on Instagram for videos of ufos.  These are being filmed in hi-def, slo-mo and infrared.   These uaps can travel so fast that even if they were uncloaked you would not see them.  According to the latest release by FarSight on the Fleet of UFOs at the Pensacola air show about 15% of the entire earth human population is now directly under et control.  This has been accomplished by implanting abductees with devices and a ...

They are literally flying above us all the time everywhere.

  You can take videos like this yourself.   Simply get an IR filter for your cell phone and take slow motion videos of the the sky overhead.  For more videos like this go to @CourtneyBrownFarsight  on Instagram.  You can get detailed directions on how to film and process your videos at or     A 10 minute video will yield evidence of hundreds. These craft are numerous and vary greatly in size and shape.  Some change their shape and configuration continuously as the one shown above.  They are cloaked to  visible light mostly.   Some are huge and what might be called mother ships with lots of smaller ones flying in and out.   I have read where the craft are organic in a way and tuned to a specific pilot.  The are controlled by thought.   They have always been here although there may be a few more now.   There are many different groups and they ...

The Trap

  On earth and many other planets throughout the universe a large group of ets consisting of many species has set up an ai controlled system of trapping souls or is-bes after the death of their body  and   recycling   them back after erasing their memories of their  last lifetime .  This group of ets is sometimes called the "old empire"  and includes many races including  reptilians  and grays although we haven't discovered  who actually set up the matrix.  No one that we know of has figured out how to dismantle it.   That is going to be difficult to say the least but it must be addressed now.  The idea that we live in an electronic matrix has been tossed around in science fiction literature and movies for some time.  Until lately, I gave it little credence. I've read many books on the subjects of near death experiences and life after death and consciousness.   Only a couple (out of thousands)...